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Meet the kids (and big kids!) behind the charity




CEO - Chief Empowerment Officer, Co-founder

Amy is a passionate environmentalist who started her action against plastic waste at 12 years old. Alongside her work with Kids Against Plastic, Amy is a keen writer, penning pieces for newspapers such as the Daily Mirror, and advises as part of the University of Hull’s EEI Youth Advisory Board.




Ella is a campaigner for the reduction of plastic pollution in our oceans and waterways, having started her activism journey at only 10 years old. She is an animal lover through and through, with seeing the horrific pictures of animals entangled in plastic being one of the key reasons for her passion in tackling plastic waste.

The COR! Team



CPO - Chief Pick-up Officer

Ali is a keen litter picker. She’s always accompanied on her walk to school by a bin bag and gloves! Aside from her litter picking, Ali shares her top tips on helping the planet as part of her dad’s climate-themed Renewable English lessons (which aim to help educators and students to raise awareness of climate change). Find out more about what Ali's up to:



CVO - Chief Voices Officer

Inaaya is a keen environmentalist whose action is defying her young age! She’s presented to her local politician about how her local area can be greener, has appeared on TV to speak about her action, hosts her own radio program every 2 weeks, and is on a mission to make her school plastic free – she’s already managed to get her school to get rid of plastic water bottles. Check out more of what Inaaya's up to:



CCEO - Chief Climate Education Officer

Raven was inspired to take action for the environment when by climate hero, Greta Thunberg. Raven enjoys litter picking and also talks to kids about climate change. It’s super important that we educate people about the climate crisis and plastic pollution, especially kids, so they know what’s going on in our world and how they can help!
Find out more about Raven:



CCO - Chief Campaign Officer

Skye started her own campaign at the age of 10 years old! She’s taking action against plastic toys on magazines, and her petition has had over 60,000 signatures! Skye’s already had success with her campaign, with a UK supermarket and a magazine subscription already agreeing to ditch plastic toys.

Find out more about Skye:



Thomas has been working against plastic pollution since the age of 6 years old! He entered his local fancy dress competition in a costume he made himself from plastic rubbish, with the slogan ‘the sea is not a dustbin’, and went on to win it! He’s also a keen member of the Scouts organisation and is working hard to make his troop more Plastic Clever - his role as CSO is helping more troops around the UK to get involved! Find out more about Thomas:

The BIG Kids Against Plastic



Big Kid Against Plastic

Harry is an English Teacher that found a need in making sustainability education easily available, helping educators and learners in their desire to be more sustainable. He loves funky shirts and can often be found playing Extreme Petanque. Harry is also currently working on a climate change awareness course, Renewable English (he's also Ali's Dad!)



Big Kid Against Plastic

Tim is a Post-16 teacher at an SEN school, and is passionate about the importance of outdoor education. He runs the 'Adventure School' at his school, equipping students with key outdoor skills, and leading them on litter picks to clean up the local area. Oh, and he's also Amy and Ella's Dad, and has supported and aided them in their action since the first day KAP began.

Find out more about the charity, and access biographies and photography, on our media page.

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