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a charity setup by kids, for kids

NEW IN: KAP t-shirts and hoodies in stock!

 Young People Taking Positive Action 

Our Aims

Kids Against Plastic aims to help young people (and not so young people) to learn about environmental issues such as plastic pollution and the Climate Crisis.

Through free resources, initiatives and the awesome KAP Club, we try to inspire and empower others into action.

Thank you for visiting, we really appreciate it.

Amy & Ella

TEDx Geneva

Amy’s latest TEDx talk from Geneva.

Note: Amy travelled by train to minimise her carbon footprint

 The KAP Club Cor! Team 

Who are the Cor! Team?

“Cor” is a slang expression used to show amazement or admiration. And our Cor! team members certainly amaze us on a weekly if not daily basis with their commitment and passion.

Through the Cor! Team program, Amy works closely to help the budding KAP leaders get more involved with the charity.

Meet the COR! Team here!

 How YOU Can Take Action 

No matter how big or how small, we all have our own part to play in making the planet a better place. The biggest barrier to overcoming the Climate Crisis or plastic pollution is to think that someone else will take the action needed.

Here are some ways you can join in and start making a difference, today.

Learning Resources

Some of our popular educational resources and recent happenings

Of note

Stuff that’s happened.

Contact Kids Against Plastic.

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