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September 4, 2018

Plastic Microfibres Slideshow

Plastic microfibres slideshow Every time we wash our clothes in the washing machine, thousands of plastic microfibres are shed, entering the rinse water. When the fibres leave the washing machine,…
September 2, 2018

Writing Ideas for KS1

A KS1 lesson guide to develop writing skills within a range of different text types, including: poetry, persuasive writing, newspaper articles and more. Curriculum relevance  Develop positive attitudes towards and stamina for…
September 2, 2018

KS2 Writing Ideas

A KS2 lesson guide to develop writing skills within a range of different text types, including: poetry, persuasive writing, newspaper articles and more. Curriculum coverage NC references Write accurately, fluently, effectively and at…
September 2, 2018

The UN Global Goals

A lesson guide that introduces the UN Global Goals as a stimulus for learning about environmental and humanitarian issues, leading to the pupils thinking about they can contribute towards the…
September 2, 2018

Trash Islands

A lesson that uses research about the Great Pacific Trash Island (gyre) to investigate the effects of plastic pollution. Curriculum coverage KS2 Science Working scientifically reporting and presenting findings from enquiries…in…
September 2, 2018

Reading Comprehension

A KS2 reading comprehension about plastic pollution and its effects. NC references Spoken Language: articulate and justify answers, arguments and opinions give well-structured descriptions, explanations and narratives for different purposes, including…
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